Some campus Greeks hope a line that has traditionally been drawn between black and white Greek students will be blurred this weekend with the third annual Salt ‘N’ Pepper.
The Greek community will host two days of programs aimed at bringing black and white Greeks together — this year adding a fund-raiser.
The event’s theme is “It’s not just a party, it’s a movement: no races, no colors, no boundaries.”
Isaac Netters, director of the African American Culture Center, said he hopes the event will foster an idea of community.
“We’re all here to get an education,” Netters said. “We’re going to have fun while we’re doing it.”
Charles Adi, a member of Omega Psi Phi who helped coordinate the event, said Salt ‘N’ Pepper will spread a message of unity.
“It is about unity among the LSU Greek community,” he said. “We hope to spread it to the whole LSU community.”
Tonight is the “Black and White Affair,” a semi-formal party at SoGo Live, a club located downtown.
Steve Brockington, Salt ‘N’ Pepper coordinator and a member of Omega Psi Phi, said the event will act as a precursor to the fund-raisers being held the next day.
“You’re going to see the black and white Greeks at their best,” he said. “As they get ready to donate money at the yard sale the next day.”
On Saturday, there will be two events — a yard sale at the AACC from 9 a.m. to noon and a picnic on the Parade Ground to follow.
This is the first year that the Salt ‘N’ Pepper event will include a yard sale fund-raiser and will take place over a weekend, instead of just one night.
The yard sale will benefit three different charities — the Tsunami Victims fund, the Save the Children education fund and the Save the Children legal defense fund.
Brockington said the goal of the yard sale is to raise $1,000 for each fund. He also said he hopes it will act as a way for the two communities to come together for a cause.
In addition to the yard sale, Salt ‘N’ Pepper coordinators also hope to receive donations from outside groups.
Brockington said the owner of SoGo Live will donate money to help the groups meet their goal. He also said that he is hoping to have some local celebrities like professional athletes at SoGo Live who will also donate to the yard sale fund.
The picnic following the yard sale will have food, a cook-off, games, a disc jockey and a free-style rapping competition.
“It’s like a family picnic with black and white Greeks together,” Brockington said.
Brockington said all three events are open to the public and anyone is welcome to attend.
‘Salt ‘N’ Pepper’ aims to unite black, white Greeks
April 22, 2005