Baton Rouge Police arrested Claude Vandeloise, University FrenchStudies professor, Friday after his wife was found dead in theirPark Avenue home.
BRPD Cpl. Charles Armstrong said police arrested Vandeloisearound 5:30 p.m. Friday on charges of manslaughter.
Armstrong said Vandeloise called 911 Friday morning to reportthat his wife, Monique Beckers, was having health problems.
Police said emergency crews found Beckers dead in the bathtubwhen they arrived.
Armstrong said Vandeloise, 60, was questioned by police, thenlater booked in East Baton Rouge Parish Prison.
Prison officials said Vandeloise was released on Saturday on a$150,000 bond paid by a bond company.
Vandeloise, who was at his Garden District home on Sunday, saidGuillermo Ferreyra, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, toldhim on Sunday not make any comments to the press.
Ferreyra said the University will place Vandeloise on paidadministrative leave Monday, which he said was standard procedure.Ferreyra said someone else will take over his classes, but did notspecify who it would be.
In addition, Ferreyra said the situation is a case for the citypolice and the University is not going to have aninvestigation.
Gene Sands, University spokesman, said he did not have furthercomment on the situation.
Sylvie DuBois, department of French Studies chair, and RobertChumbley, professor of French Studies, also said the Universityinstructed them not to comment on the situation.
Vandeloise has been teaching at the University since 1989.Before then, he taught at Penn State University for two years andat a university in Belgium.
French professor booked for wife’s suspicious death
October 18, 2004